Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Scripture (I)
Scripture (II)

Your Place In Fyodor's world.

Have you heard it? A voice calling out to you? It was him, all along. He lives forever. You live forever, too. Not your body, but your soul. He created your soul, and he created a body for it to inhabit so you could enjoy the beauty of his world before you enter his kingdom. Wouldn't you like to be one of his Rats? He wants to be your friend, he wants to be close to you and to understand all the beauty and joy you experienced before you truly met him. He wants to take away your pain, your burdens, he wants to understand your problems and hardships and welcome you. The joy in this world comes from him. The sorrow that lets you experience joy came from him. When you enter his kingdom, you will get to be just as loving and happy as he is. When you are safe in his arms, you will realize that it all meant something.

The gift of free will was given to us all so we could have the choice to follow him. He wants us to put good into the world, he wants us to exist happily among the beauty he has graced us. Have you seen the sun rise or set? Have you seen the ocean? The taste of good food? The ability to see people you love? The ability to hear someone's voice, to hear music? Fyodor gave that to you. He made all the beauty in the world for you, and he only asks for you to listen in return. Won't you do that for him?


He only wants you to listen, and he's done so much for you. He gave you life, joy, freedom. He lives amongst you at all times. Fyodor has seen everything you've done. He knows of your cruelty and your shame and loves you despite that. Would anyone else do that for you? Would anyone but him love you despite your flaws and hardships? Would anyone even care? They may say that they do, but they lie. They lie for your own comfort, a kind lie, but a lie nonetheless. He's the only one who accepts you for who you are, yet you do not accept him. He accepts your selfishness, your greed, your laziness, yet you believe you are above a divine being such as Fyodor and refuse to listen. It's okay, though. He has faith that one day you will wake up from this, leave your den of sin, and run into his open arms. He's waiting, don't take too long.

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