log 4, 8.3.24.

GOOD MORNING AMERICA! today i went for my morning walk to get coffee and such, i was able to watch the sunrise because i go out at six am. people say, "oh mod cervus, that's when the strange people are out" but you fail to consider that i myself am one of the strange people. anyway, i do everything in a manner that i believe Fyodor would approve of. This includes going for walks, eating good food, and the occassional bout of sleep deprivaton. it clears my mind, because when i'm tired i can't think or do anything but hear his voice. i've been cold lately.
- cervus

this isn't the donut i ate this morning, but its the same kind. i like maple donuts because it reminds me of my time in the snow. i like snowy days because i'm able to remain inside and read. my favorite donut shop also serves terrific coffee. they aren't open on tuesdays, which is sad. i've spent much time in the snow, because i fall asleep when i get cold. frogs do this too, and they remind me of rats, which reminds me of Fyodor. therefore, i am happy.