Part One, Crime.

In the beginning, nothing existed but Fyodor.
He knew that there was a need for a world, so on the first day, he made the world.
On the second day, he decided the world he created needed light. Fyodor made the light in the world, but realized that the world would be too bright this way, and he created darkness.
On the third day, he decided to create the people and animals, to populate the world.
On the fourth day, the life in this world died. It had starved. That day, he mourned.
On the fifth day, he grew plants from the carcasses of the old life in the world.
On the sixth day, he brought life back into the world, and this life lived amongst the spirits, under trees and beside rivers. On the sixth day, Fyodor was happy.
On the seventh day, Fyodor gave this life free will, and he saw the beauty that this gave the world. the animals, the vegetation, the water, the rocks, the sun and the stars.